What is Baby Massage?

The aim of my baby massage classes is to teach basic, safe strokes to parents whilst building their confidence in touching their babies. Through massage parents can learn how their babies communicate with them by understanding their baby’s positive and negative cues; promoting understanding and an everlasting bond..



Baby massage can help parents give their precious baby the best loving start in life to promote health and happiness. The immediate benefits of regular baby massage include a marked improvement in sleep duration & quality, improved circulation, healthier muscle tone and a feeling of deep relaxation. It can help in alleviating the symptoms of colic, other digestive conditions and teething. Baby massage provides a wonderful sense of calmness for the baby and parent through the reduction of stress causing hormones.

The benefits of baby massage are widely endorsed by medical practitioners across the world and include:

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The Importance of touch

“Touch is the first sense to be developed in the womb and it is the last sense to leave us before we die.”

My baby massage classes are based on the principle that nurturing touch is a fundamental part of a baby’s well-being. My classes help to teach parents an easy and enjoyable routine that enables them to communicate through touch. Touch is the one sense that is developed before we are born…

“It is through our hands that we speak to the child. That we communicate. Touch is the child’s first language, understanding comes long after feeling.”

Touch Sensitivity 

Some babies can find it difficult to tolerate touch on certain areas of their body or over their entire bodies. We will never force strokes on a baby and we will encourage the parent to listen to the baby’s communication cues. You should not feel upset, embarrassed or concerned if your baby is touch sensitive. We will work together slowly at your baby’s pace – with patience and care, all babies, even the most touch sensitive, will relax and enjoy massage.

Baby massage is a great introduction to touch if you are hesitant or worried as I will guide you through.  



I run regular Massage courses in varying location across London. The course runs for five weeks and each week we will cover a new body part. By the end of the five week course parents will be able to give their baby a full body massage.

Please get in touch for an up to date timetable or if you want to find out more. Please send an email to emily@babyglolondon.com. 

If you would like to request a class in your area or host a class at your home please get in touch.